Outplayed Read online

Page 2

Rolling my eyes, I told her, “I can’t anyway. I’m still at work and I’ve got some filing to finish.”

  Of course, Zara being Zara, she got her way in the end. She decided a trip to work was what was needed. At least then I could keep an eye on her while she was here. I also knew she’d show with Hawks men at her back, and she did. Griz, Pick, and Blue wandered in after Zara, Deanna, and Julian, who was Zara’s brother’s boyfriend and a hoot to be around.

  It didn’t take long, after numerous drinks, for the conversation to shift to dirtier things.

  The current was our first experience having sex. Julian had just told his tale and it was my turn. Only that wasn’t the one I wanted to talk about.

  “It wasn’t until I met Travis that I was introduced to receiving it hard. God, I loved it when he used to pound into me, and let me tell you, he was huge. Delicious.” I licked my lips at the thought of hot Travis back in university.

  He was the one I would always miss. The one I could have married if our lives hadn’t changed and our ambitions were different.

  Regret always flew through my chest when I thought of Travis.

  Only I knew, from searching, what his life was like nowadays, and I didn’t want any part of it, or him.

  That thought saddened me too. Why did he have to change so much?

  I blinked and jolted when Griz clipped, “Enough.” I glanced around, obviously missing something. “I don’t wanna hear any more of this shit.”

  “Aw,” Julian cooed.

  Pick groaned. “No offense, man, but we had to hear about your first time. That was enough.”

  “You know what?” Zara said.

  “What?” Julian, Deanna, and I asked at the same time, causing us all to laugh.

  “I need music.”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “That’d be a grand idea. I want to dance.” I smiled. A distraction from my thoughts would be awesome. Only my smile faded when I realised something. “But I haven’t got anything here to listen to it on.”

  “Not even a radio?” Julian asked.

  “Nope. But hey, there’s a bar just down the road—”

  “Fuck no,” Blue said.

  “Yes. Yes, I like that idea.” Zara clapped, and once more, I was smiling, because again, Zara would get her way. It wasn’t that she was spoilt per se, she was just loved by Talon and in return, the Hawks members would do anything for her. She added, “Come on, guys, it’s just down the road, like five places away. We can walk. Nothing’s gonna happen.”

  The crowded bar was dim and rowdy. We drank some more, danced, and had a great time. The only part I could have done without was Zara talking about my brother and wondering if he could be quiet during sex. I even banged my head against the back of the booth where the Hawks men sat.

  Blue, Pick, and Griz quickly left. “Maybe I should join them. I really don’t feel like hearing about what my brother gets up to in bed. It’ll probably cause me to chuck.” I actually did feel sick to the stomach.

  “Block your ears,” Deanna said.

  For the sake of my sanity, I did just that. They kept talking while I glanced around the bar; that was how I caught some other bikers, who weren’t Hawks, saunter up. They tried to cotton onto Zara. I was about to tell them where to go, but Griz came up and told them we were Hawks property. I wanted to scoff I wasn’t anyone’s property, but I didn’t. I knew when to keep my mouth shut. I got out of the booth just as Blue ordered Zara to go dance.

  Usually, I’d be all for kicking arse if needed, but I wanted to keep a better eye on Zara, so I went back out onto the dance floor with them.

  Since nothing had happened all night, I thought I would be fine to go and get us some drinks. It was stupid of me to think that.

  It was a foolish and dangerous mistake.

  I also didn’t think Zara would leave the group, yet she had. She must have because next, I saw her being carried over someone’s shoulder outside. Not seeing Deanna, Julian, or any of the Hawks guys, I put the drinks down and hurried after them.

  Outside, I took a lungful of air and scanned the streets. I spotted another guy with the one who was throwing Zara into the back of a car.

  “Fuck,” I barked. I didn’t have my car, but I had to follow. When my eyes landed on a parked car, I knew I was about to do something I shouldn’t.

  Talon had taught me to jack cars at a young age. Thankfully those skills were still with me. Once I managed to get the car started, I booked it after the vehicle that held Zara before it disappeared out of sight. It was already way down the road.

  Fear gripped my heart. It wasn’t fear for myself, but for Zara.

  She’d already been through enough in life. I didn’t want anything to happen to her.

  If I didn’t know Talon loved her more than his own life, I would have stepped between them and made sure she knew who Talon had been. But since spending some time with both of them, I could see how taken they were with each other, and it wasn’t my right to stop what was happening.

  Christ, I had to warn the brothers at the bar. Pulling out my phone, I made a quick call. When Griz answered, I rushed out, “Zara’s been taken. I’m in pursuit. I’ll get her back to the bar. Don’t leave.”

  “Fuck,” he roared.

  “I’ll get her back,” I promised.

  “You’d better. I’ll ring Talon—”

  “No! Wait. Give me an hour. I can do this.”

  Silence greeted me on the other end for a moment and then, “Fine,” he clipped and hung up. Thank Christ I was at least smart enough to have my gun in the back of my jeans with my jacket covering it.

  This was the type of shit I was born for. The thrill of the hunt. I would make these motherfuckers pay in one way or another. No one took from the Marcus family. No matter what type of business we were in.

  I’d lost count of the time I’d been following at a distance. I started to slow when they pulled off into a driveway with an electric gate out front. There was a guard station at the side and security inside. One guy. Without making a scene, I sped up and drove by as if I wasn’t following the dickheads’ every move. The place was huge. Some jerkoff either had little dick syndrome or just liked to flaunt his riches.

  Down the road, I pulled off to the side and thought of my options. I could just pull up to the gate and hope they’d open if I told them I was some hooker there to see whoever was behind the gate.

  Shit, I suddenly felt like I was about to see the big and powerful Oz.

  There was also the option of sneaking through the woods that surrounded the property. Surely the whole place wasn’t guarded. Then again, the estate looked as if it’d have cameras everywhere.

  Front door it was.

  At least I’d stolen somewhat of a flashy car; it could help get me in.

  Turning the car around, I drove to the gate and parked just outside it. The guy in the guard station stepped out with a glare.

  “Who’re you?”

  “Hey, baby. I’m here to see the boss.”

  The guy eyed me. Yeah, I didn’t exactly look like a slut in jeans and a tee, but the guy could be stupid.

  “Move the fuck along. Boss doesn’t want to be disturbed.”

  All right, he wasn’t stupid. I needed to get in another way.

  “Aw, but, baby, he’ll wanna see me.” I opened the door, hitting him in the gut. He gasped, hunched a little. “Shit, so sorry, baby. Let me rub it for you.” Quickly, I moved out and around. As he was starting to stand, my fist met with the side of his face.

  To my shock and elation, he fell to the ground, passed out cold.

  “Seriously?” I asked his unconscious form with my hands on my hips. “You couldn’t put up a fight?” I grumbled, rocking back and forth on my feet. “Idiot.” I grabbed his arms and started to drag the fool towards the guard station. The fucker was heavy, but I wasn’t a weakling. In my line of work, I needed to stay physically fit. Still, the oaf was a struggle. Once he was in, I found some handcuffs and clicked them on his wrist and t
hen to his desk, which was bolted to the wall. I unplugged the phone, threw it outside and checked him over. He had a two-way, which I pocketed, and a mobile, which was another thing I threw out the door before pressing the button to open the gate. I climbed back into the car and drove towards the house.

  It was dark. The only places illuminated were the house and the guard station at the gate. I didn’t even have the car headlights on, hoping it wouldn’t attract attention. The place was eerily quiet, and I wondered where all the guards were. Unfortunately, I ran into one just as I got out of the car.

  “Hey, you,” was shouted.

  I stopped, waved, and waited for the guy to come closer. “Hi. The guy at the gate let me in. I have a meeting with the boss.”

  He opened his mouth to say something, and since his eyes were raking over my body, he didn’t see my fist coming. He stumbled back, blinking at me. Yeah, not many expected a small, slim woman to have power behind her punch. Before he gained back his brains I scrambled, I ran at him and curled my arm around his neck. Swinging around his back, I used my other hand and gripped my arm, holding him tight in a chokehold. He struggled, trying to buck me off, but I wrapped my legs around his waist and tightened my grip. He fell to his knees, tapping my arm. It wasn’t until he passed out that I let go and stood, dusting myself off.

  I quickly searched him, throwing his phone into the bushes near the house. I didn’t have anything to tie him up with, and there was no time to look. I had to get to Zara in case anything was happening. Leaving him where he was, I hoped I got in and out before he woke.

  Pulling out my gun, I stalked to the front door. Finding it unlocked, I sighed in relief and went straight in. The front hall was lit. Voices came down the hall; one was female. Hoping it was Zara, I headed in that direction.

  I was almost to the end of the hall when a door opened right in front of me. The guy who’d carried Zara out of the bar strolled out but stopped when he spotted me. His eyes widened as he made a dive for me, which was stupid. I stepped back and hit him in the head with the end of my gun. He dropped to the floor.

  I seriously had to wonder who the hell the boss was and why he would hire such idiots.

  Stepping over him, I pushed through the door, gun raised, and froze.

  “Travis?” Recognition swarmed me. Travis. Travis Stewart. Seeing him sitting behind the desk, foolish or not, I relaxed a little. My gaze shifted to Zara. She seemed okay as she sat opposite the desk staring over at me and then to Travis and back to me.

  Of course she had to open her mouth and say, “That’s your Travis?” She gasped and turned back to Travis with an inquisitive look.

  “Violet. What are you doing here?” Travis asked, shock clear in his voice.

  Shaking my head, I placed my gun in the back of my jeans. “I came for Zara.” I made my way over to stand beside her.

  “Where are my men?” Travis asked, his lips twitching.

  I shrugged. “Unconscious. Travis, what’s going on here? Why kidnap Zara?”

  “Pam here told me Zara abused her in front of my child. I couldn’t stand for that. I needed to have a word with her.”

  My chest burned at the knowledge of Travis having a child, but I pushed it down. I glanced to the woman standing beside Travis. I scoffed at the ridiculousness. “Zara wouldn’t hurt a fly.” I jerked my head Pam’s way. “She’s lying.”

  “I am not,” the slut screeched.

  “Oh, just give it up,” Zara said. Then her attention went to Travis. “Ask my man. He’ll tell you.”

  “Travis,” I called. When his eyes came to me, I added, “you really should have gone about this in a different way.”

  A single brow rose. “Why?”

  “She’s Hawks property.”

  “Fuck,” he bit out. “Whose?”

  “Talon Marcus.”

  “Christ,” he burst out with and turned on Pam. She took a few steps back, understandable because of the way Travis scowled at her. “Get the fuck out of my house. You lied, and now I have this shit to fix. You’re fuckin’ lucky I don’t kill you. You stupid bitch, in front of my baby, you whored yourself?” Travis ran a frustrated hand through his salt and pepper hair. A few years older than me, he’d definitely aged well. “Leave. Now.”

  I wanted to leave along with her. I didn’t want to talk to him more or look at him. It brought up the memories I’d locked away.

  He’d changed too much.

  Only seeing him…. No, I’d ignore my body’s reaction, and once out of this room, I’d forget about him again.

  He wasn’t worth it. He would never give up his business, and I was pretty sure I couldn’t be with a man who was known as the biggest pimp in Victoria.

  I would have to walk out and forget him again.

  I had to.

  Because if I was stubborn enough to lose my brother over how Talon had run his life, I wouldn’t budge on my opinion of Travis’s business and date him.

  It’d also save a lot of hurt from the chance of losing him down the track.

  Chapter Three


  When Pam ran from the room, Travis cursed up a storm and started pacing, only to stop behind his desk again. “I am truly sorry for this, Zara.” His eyes slid to me. “When will I hear from Talon?”

  “Not sure. He doesn’t know yet.”

  Zara scoffed and asked, “How’d you pull that off?”

  “I told the guys I’d be able to get you back before he found out.” I didn’t mention I begged for the trust and time to do it without Talon knowing. “It was just lucky I saw those idiots leaving with you over one’s shoulder. I followed and rang Griz on the way. He freaked. I told him I’d have you back soon, so we better get going.” Why I explained so much, I didn’t know. It could’ve had something to do with the fact I could feel Travis’s gaze on me.

  “Wow, you’re like a super-agent.” Zara grinned.

  “Yes.” I glanced to Travis to see him smile appreciatively while his burning gaze ran over my body. I was grateful when he looked back to Zara. “Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Again, I am sorry for the way my men treated you, and for this… terrible misunderstanding. I’m sure I’ll be hearing from Talon soon.”

  Zara’s smile warmed. Fucking hell, she was starting to trust Travis, and that could lead to her liking him, wanting him in her circle of friends. That wasn’t good when I’d be trying to get away from him. “Don’t worry too much; it wasn’t so bad, and I’ll let Talon know that. I’m just thankful you know what a… nasty person your girlfriend is now.”

  Wait… that was his girlfriend? That big-breasted blonde slut? I clenched my jaw from laughing or yelling at him—I hadn’t made up my mind.

  Zara went on, oblivious to my brain overloading, “No one needs that around their child.”

  There it was again, a reminder Travis had a child. It was obvious Pam wasn’t the mother, so who was?

  Hang on, I didn’t care.

  I had to remember that.

  “That’s true.” Travis nodded. “You sound like you speak from experience.”

  She did. Zara had her little girl, and she didn’t want Maya around her ex, Maya’s real father.

  “I have a six-year-old daughter.” She smiled proudly. “It was just lucky I got away from my nasty before it could touch her.”

  Jesus, they were bonding. I had to put a stop to it.

  “Zara, we better go,” I told her without looking at Travis.

  “Maybe one day, when we have more time, you could explain further on that topic,” Travis offered.

  Zara cocked her head to the side; there she went accepting him. Fuck it.

  She smiled and replied, “You know what, maybe one day I will. And I’m sure Violet would love to come along as well.”

  Like hell I would.

  My eyes narrowed at Travis’s smirk. “That would be wonderful. Coffee with two beautiful women.”

  Gag. He could shove his buttery words up his arse. I
bit my tongue to keep my words at bay. I wouldn’t cause a scene. I just had to make it out of there and forget him.

  “Alrighty,” Zara said, standing. “I’ll be in touch. It was nice to meet you, Travis, and I’m glad it was you who kidnapped me.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at her words. She was crazy, in a fun way. Travis spewed more flowery words Zara’s way before we left, words I blocked out as I stood at the door waiting for this puke fest to be over so I could get on with my life without seeing Travis again. In the end, I took her arm and pulled her from the room as the last goodbyes were had.

  Zara gave me a look on the way out, probably wondering why I ignored Travis’s goodbye. Only I didn’t want to talk about it. About him.

  Thankfully, she left it alone and focused on the car I’d stolen. “Whose is this?”

  We both climbed in before I answered with, “Not sure. I had to find something quick to follow. But at least I’ll be dropping it back, and hopefully, whoever this baby belongs to, they will be none the wiser.”

  We looked at each other and started laughing.

  It was a wild night, and I was sure there would be more to come once Talon found out what had happened. Instead of wanting to see the show though, the idea of home, bath, book, and bed sounded like a nice, calming night compared to having to hear Talon rant and rave. And a good book would be a distraction from the man back at that obnoxious house.

  * * *


  Violet Marcus.

  Of all the people to walk into my house with a gun raised, ready to kick some arse, it wouldn’t have been Violet I’d imagined.

  She looked amazing.

  Sexy as fuck.

  Though, she always had been.

  God. Violet Marcus.

  The woman I loved. The woman who still held a part of my heart. The woman I’d moved to town to chase. She was also the woman who looked at me like she wanted nothing to do with me.

  I didn’t like it.

  I wouldn’t accept it.

  I knew one day I would have Violet back in my life. She never strayed from my mind. We were made for each other. She may not see it yet, obvious from her surprise and displeasure, but I hoped one day she would.